An Ethics of Care.


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Consider the broader idea at work within feminist ethics: care. With this in mind, after reading Chapter 10, respond to the following questions in essay form:

Do you believe there are innate differences in the ways men and women deliberate about moral issues? Or do you think any differences are the result of cultural influences? Explain your perspective using references and examples.

Part 1: Essay Response        Due .

  1. Define a concept of feminist ethics to help answer the questions above. What does an ethics of care mean?
  2. Consider how a universal perspective can be applied to this dichotomy. Think about how culture relates to gender. Contrast/compare.
  3. Discuss your perspective on this topic. Justify your claims using referenced examples. Try to avoid hypothetical situations and conjecture. Are there examples or personal experiences that you can reference to support your views?

You must do the following:

    • 400 minimum word count. 
    • Essay style, using paragraphs.  
    • Reference and cite two outside sources.
    • Apply MLA format for citations. 

Requirements: Minimum 400 Words Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced MLA Format Excluding the Works Cited Page | .doc file

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Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.

No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each paragraph along with the exact page numbers that relate to the information that you are discussing.