Case Study 1: Freedom


Note: The peer response must contain relevant content as well. Avoid repeating (even in different words) what you wrote about in your main discussion as part of the response to the classmate. Whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s discussion, add new content to your peer’s post.

While you may add comments such as “I agree with you” or “Interesting findings,” that is not enough to receive a grade for the peer response. Your reaction to a peer’s discussion must contain relevant content taken from the material learned in class or external sources. Read and respond to at least two other classmates

The case of Mark, who kills his boss after ingesting a pill that weakens emotional control, presents an intriguing dilemma in terms of determinism and libertarianism. Determinism argues that all actions are the result of preceding causes, such as genetic factors, past experiences, or environmental influences, and that free will is an illusion. In this case, Mark’s internalized anger toward his boss and the action of being drugged with Coctyus can be seen as deterministic factors that contributed to his violent reaction. Mark’s emotions were suppressed for years, and the drug merely triggered an emotional response that he was unable to control, suggesting that his behavior was largely determined by prior emotional and situational factors.

On the other hand, libertarianism posits that individuals possess free will and the ability to make choices independent of external or internal influences. If Mark had acted purely out of choice and not under the influence of a substance, libertarians might argue that he would be responsible for his actions regardless of his circumstances. However, in this case, the drug interferes with his ability to control his emotions, complicating the issue of free will.

Regarding responsibility, both Mark and Dave bear responsibility for the tragic outcome. Mark, although influenced by the pill, still acted violently, and his prior resentment toward his boss suggests a lack of emotional regulation or coping mechanisms. Dave, however, bears a significant portion of the responsibility, as his deliberate actions to manipulate Mark’s emotions with the pill led to the violent act. If Dave had not sought to provoke Mark, the situation might have never escalated.

As for the sentence Mark should receive, it is crucial to consider both his actions and the external influences on him. While Mark did commit murder, the fact that he was under the influence of a substance that impaired his ability to control his emotions suggests that a reduced sentence may be appropriate. This might involve a sentence that includes psychiatric evaluation and treatment, as well as a prison term that reflects the impact of the drug-induced state on his behavior. The sentence should balance personal responsibility with the recognition of external manipulation.